How we enhance your job postings

How we enhance your job postings

At Prosple, we strive to provide the best experience for both employers and job seekers. To achieve this, we occasionally make edits to the job postings you publish.

Below are our guidelines and the rationale behind them:

Guideline: We remove hyperlinks from job listings.

Explanation: This ensures the accuracy of information provided, improves job conversion rates, and helps students navigate more easily without getting lost in multiple websites. Our testing has shown that reducing the number of links in advertisements leads to better outcomes for both employers and job seekers.

2. Location Description

Guideline: Please include the location in the dedicated location description section, and not in the job title itself.

Explanation: Removing the location from the job title aligns your opportunity with our standard naming conventions, which students are more familiar with. Rest assured, this information will still be prominently displayed under the opportunity title and at the top of the side panel when you fill in the location description properly. Our testing shows that including location in the title does not significantly impact application numbers, so this change maintains visibility while streamlining the listing format.

Guideline: Do not use links from competitor job sites for applications.

Explanation: To ensure a seamless experience on our platform, we cannot accept application links from competitor sites (e.g., Instead, we recommend:

  • Providing a link from your company website
  • Updating the link via the employer hub
  • Using the "Directly through Prosple" option for applications

4. Job Titles

Guideline: Keep job titles simple and use only the actual title. Avoid including: company names, phrases like "Pre-Register" for pre-registration opportunities, or start dates.

Explanation:  This streamlined approach ensures accurate and uniform presentation of job listings across our platform. A recent system update automatically appends start dates to job titles based on the information provided in the opportunity details.

More information on this update can be found here

5. Banner Images

Guideline: Do not include logos or award badges from competitor sites in banner images.

Explanation: This policy keeps the focus on your organization or graduate program, fosters a level playing field for all employers, and maintains a consistent and unbiased user experience.

6. Study Fields

Guideline: Avoid using "General Skills & Pathways" as a study field for job listings.

Explanation: This option is typically reserved for courses, not job listings. If your opportunity welcomes candidates with a diverse skill set and does not require a specific study field, we recommend selecting "all" instead. This ensures that your listing reaches the widest appropriate audience.

7. Contact Details

Guideline: Do not include contact details in the job description.

Explanation: While these details can provide additional context, they often distract students from using the "Apply now" button, which may lead them to navigate away from the opportunity page. This can potentially reduce application rates.

8. Multiple Similar Jobs

Guideline: Consolidate multiple similar jobs into a single posting.

Explanation: This applies to identical positions posted separately due to location differences. Consolidation enhances visibility and prevents competition among your own job postings. Students can view all vacancies in one posting, and we provide a custom "Apply now" page that allows them to select the specific application link for each location.

9. Salary Range

Guideline: Use the appropriate salary range option (annual, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly).

Explanation: Our system now allows for flexible salary range options. Please ensure the salary you've provided matches the intended rate (e.g., annual, monthly, etc.). If you need assistance updating this information, our team is here to help.

Our goal is to optimise your job listings for maximum visibility and effectiveness within the Prosple platform. If you have any questions or concerns about the changes made to your postings, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at
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