New Approach to Review Scores: Why We're Keeping Historical Data

New Approach to Review Scores: Why We're Keeping Historical Data

Up until now, when Prosple received a new set of reviews from an employer, we deleted all existing reviews for that employer and replaced them with the new set.

On one hand, this meant the reviews on Prosple represented only the most recent opinions of graduates. On the other hand, however, it meant a large amount of valuable review information was being removed every year.

To address this, we are no longer deleting old reviews when new reviews become available. We’ve added dates to reviews and will soon be sorting them from newest to oldest, so that students still see the most recent and relevant reviews first.

Furthermore, we’ve updated the way we calculate aggregate review scores so that it gives more weight to recent reviews over older reviews.

This ensures that the score students see is more likely to reflect the current environment. It also allows employers to be rewarded for recent improvements in their internship and graduate programs.

As of now, old reviews are no longer being deleted. Over the next couple of months, we will also begin restoring old reviews that had been deleted. This may mean that the aggregate review scores for some employers will change.

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